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The Urban Studies Review is an online academic journal published four times a year. The editorial office accepts manuscripts at If you have technical problems or questions regarding manuscript submission, please contact the editorial office.


Formal requirements for a manuscript:

Manuscript: DOC (DOCX) format, Times New Roman font, 12 point font size, 1.5 line spacing.

Length: Papers should not exceed 40-50 000 characters (including spaces) without bibliography and 10-20 000 characters (including spaces) for shorter papers.

Headline and subheadings should be clear.

Please indicate the affiliation of the author of the study in the footnote: position, institution, contact (email).

For manuscripts, please include an abstract of 1500-2000 characters in Hungarian and English, and 3-5 keywords in Hungarian and English. The abstract should include the aim of the study, the structure of the article and the main results. In the English abstract, avoid the use of first person pronouns (I, we, mine, etc.) and use passive structures instead.


Use as little formatting as possible to facilitate the work of the editor.


Footnotes supplementing the main text should be inserted in the text in Arabic numerals.

Figures and tables

Figures and tables should be integrated into the text. Number them to indicate their exact position in the text, their titles and sources, and refer to them in brackets in the text of the manuscript.

Figures (maps, diagrams, photographs, etc.) should also be attached to the manuscript in a separate file, preferably in .png, .jpg or .tiff format. The resolution of the figures should be at least 300 dpi (maximum width of figures 12.5 cm, 18.3 cm for full-page layouts). Figure captions should aim for legible dimensions.



Footnotes should not include a bibliographical reference, but should be included in the main text. If the author of the work cited is given in the text, the year of publication of the work cited and the literal reference should be given in brackets after the name, and the page number cited when figures or tables are reproduced, e.g. Enyedi (1985: 98). In the case of multiple-author references, a reference of the type "first author et al." should be given above three authors.


The text is followed by the Bibliography in alphabetical order by the names of the authors (editors).

If the literature used has a DOI number, please make sure to indicate it in the bibliography.


1. Book

Initials of the author's surname and forename, year of publication (in brackets, followed by a colon), title of the book (in italics, followed by a full stop), subtitle (in italics, followed by a full stop), name of the publisher (followed by a comma), city of publication. (If there is a series title and serial number - in parentheses.) If the editor is the lead author, his or her name should be followed by (ed.) or (ed.), etc. The names of co-authors are followed by a comma. Example of a book:

Gy. Horváth, Z. Hajdú (eds.) (2010) Regional Transformation Processes in the Western Balkans. Centre for Regional Studies, Pécs, Hungary (Regions of Europe; 4.)

2. Journal article

Author's surname and first name, year of publication (in brackets, followed by a colon), title of the article (followed by a full stop), subtitle (if any) (followed by a full stop), title of the journal (in italics, followed by a comma), serial number within the year (followed by a full stop and a comma), first and last page number of the article. The year number should only be given if the work cited cannot be identified otherwise. The year number should follow the title of the journal, followed by the abbreviation or the word volume, and then the page number within the year. In the case of an electronic journal, the information should be supplemented by the Internet address. The names of co-authors A. are separated by a comma. Examples of journal articles:

Hajdú Z. (2008): A kárpát-medencei államosodási térfolyamatok kérdőjelei: széttagolódás, kárpát-medencei integráció, avagy betagolódás az euro-atlanti nagytérségi rendszerekbe? Közép-európai Közlemények, 2., 27–33.

Berndt, C., Boeckler, M. (2011): Geographies of markets: Materials, morals and monsters in motion. Progress in Human Geography, 4., 559–567.

3. Article in a collective volume

Author's surname and first name (followed by a full stop), year of publication (in brackets, followed by a colon), title of the article (followed by a full stop), subtitle (if any) (followed by a full stop). Description of the host volume is introduced by In:. This is followed by the editor's surname and first name, the (ed.) or (ed.) (followed by a colon), the title of the volume (in italics, followed by a full stop), any subtitle (in italics, followed by a full stop), the name of the publisher (followed by a comma), the city where it was published (followed by a comma), the first and last page numbers of the article. Example of an article in a collected volume:

Péteri G. (1991): Az önkormányzatok és oktatási intézmények viszonya, finanszírozási kérdések. In: Kozma T. (szerk.): Önkormányzat és iskola. Oktatáskutató Intézet, Budapest, 122–154.

If the author is not a natural person, the name of the organisation moves forward from the position of the publisher to that of the author. The full name of the collective author should be given in [square brackets]. Example of collective author:

KSH [Központi Statisztikai Hivatal] (2005): Területi statisztikai évkönyv 2004. Budapest

4. Web sources

By omitting the http://www. in the text, the reference should be: ( 2011). In the bibliography, the order is: http://www.stb/esigytovabb/ (followed by a space), (Downloaded: date.) Example of a web source: kutatasok.html (Letöltés: 2011. március 16.)

The editing process:


Once the manuscript has been submitted, the editorial team will contact the author by e-mail. Manuscripts are always evaluated by two anonymous reviewers. In order to ensure anonymous proofreading, please do not include your name or any other personally identifiable information in the manuscript or in any additional files.


Proofreading process:


The editorial team will send the submitted papers to two independent proofreaders, who may be editors or external experts. The Editorial Board reserves the right to return the manuscript to the author for additions and revisions or to refuse to publish it, based on the reviewers' opinions received.

After proofreading and editorial approval, the manuscript will be taken into the care of the readers' editor, who will be able to contact the author with any queries in addition to the editors.

The proofread and edited version will be sent back for a final author's read-through. At this point, only typos and minor formatting problems can be corrected.

If you wish to submit an article, please contact us at

Thank you in advance for your consideration!

CITY.HU Várostudományi Szemle Editorial Staff

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